Browns, Whites, Blacks: The Bears of Canada



Discover “Brown, White, Black, Bears of Canada”, produced by the Musée du Fjord in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.

The exhibition highlights these fascinating beasts admired by man for their strength and cunning, but also feared for the same reasons. Bears, these mammals capable of standing upright, have long been considered the double of humans and the kings of animals. Hunted and humiliated to the point of gradually disappearing from certain regions of the globe, the lord of the forests and ice reveals the secrets of his sensitivity to disturbances in his environment. In this exhibition, you’ll discover the conflicts that have arisen between man and bear, and how the bear has become a veritable symbol of nature conservation.

There’s plenty of interactivity and curiosity to satisfy visitors of all ages.

The exhibition will run until November 2024, after which it will be replaced by a new temporary exhibition.

In pictures

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From prehistory to nowadays

Funny neighbors!

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